In my life I encounter numerous opportunities for adventure! These experiences are too wonderful not to share!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Winter Wonderland
After two days of ugly winter weather bringing ice, snow and cold temperatures, we were left with some beautiful chilly sunny days to follow. The snow really helps put the cheer in the holiday season and really makes me know its the season!
I want to wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas! I hope everyone gets to enjoy the company of friends and family and remember the reason for this season, Jesus's birth! Our Savior was born on this Christmas Day, let us not forget why we are here and why we are able to live such wonderful lives full of forgiveness!
Take care, drive safe, and God Bless!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Pushing Through
I have many things on my mind including how I am going to know everything for my Anatomy and Physiology Oral final, when will I find time to work, when will I get all my sleep, will I still qualify for my scholarships, what do I want to do after I graduate in six months, and simply how to get from this day to the next.
I am praying for the strength, endurance and most importantly patience to make it through these next couple of weeks till all of us students can step back, take a break, and breathe!
"We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
We can and will push through!
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Good Day
Class and work are very normal in my life, but today an exciting event occured.
I GOT MY BIKE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wonderful, beautiful and awesome bike has found its way back to me.
What a blessing! Such an amazing gift to brighten my day and keep the smile on my face.
All those difficult, not-so-super days are made up by simple Good Days like today!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thank you!
Today we still gather around a beautifully decorated table covered in turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie!
This year, enjoy the food, but make an extra effort to say Thank You to those that help you along every path you take!
I would like to Thank my parents, brother and sisters, and super friends around the globe because they stand by me and let me come to them whenever I need them!!
Thank you, and enjoy this year's Thanksgivingness!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
The Weather
It snowed today. In Kansas. Not in WI.
It was cold today. Here in Kansas. More so than in WI.
I felt the chill as if it were January 13th, deep in my bones.
It was only 34 degrees. I need to do some more conditioning!!
If I think this is cold, what am I going to think when its -34 degrees?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Without A Phone
However, I really would enjoy a cell phone that would at least allow me to simply text or call up a friend when I want or need to.
Probably three weeks ago my cell phone decided to stop receiving service at sporadic moments. It has now come to almost completely not get service except once every couple of days. I thought I was going to be able to get it fixed or quickly update my equipment and get a new phone. However, different circumstances has left me still with a phone that doesn't consistently work.
I have found that communication with my friends and family has definitely decreased since my phone's abrupt halt in working. I am unable to plan spur of the moment meetings with friends, cannot call up my sisters any time that I feel the need to, and overall feel like I am more lonely in the world without my phone.
I don't plan on becoming overly dependent on my cell as soon as I do get a new one (which I hope is tomorrow), but I will definitely not take for granted the small little device that keeps me always connected with the rest of the world! Materialistic devices sadly making the world go round.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Where's the Discipline?
Two days ago I lost my bike lock.
One week ago my phone completely quit working.
Two weeks ago my phone started to sporadically stop working.
Six weeks ago I lost one of my bike lock keys.
...what's happening?
Who steals bicycles?
What is this world coming to?
Whatever happened to trust, justice, respecting others, and being able to rely on things?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or Treat
Therefore, I was able to get the wonderful Flapper dress that my Mom made way back in the day and get myself all decked out as a Flapper! It was super great fun getting all costumed up!

And then the festivities began! Wesley had a Halloween party with lots of great food, fun and fellowship. We all ate great wings and lil smokies, watched the K-State game, listened and danced to some music, and just sat around and enjoyed ourselves. All of the costumes were super great!
Then it was off to a Haunted House. This was the experience of the night! :) We drove out to Ft. Riley and found the place and found the line. Forty-five minutes to an hour later, we all realized the twenty feet we had moved in line was not getting us too far. We then established that we still had probably two to two and a half more hours MORE standing in the line in the cold. So, we left!! So much for trying to go to a Haunted House!
To end out the night, we just headed back to Manhattan and decided to watch Anchorman! I ridiculous but I have to admit funny movie.
All in all it was a super fun night! I just don't think I really got "into the festivities" again, but it was a good try!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Normal Happenings
The week continued with another day of work and class on Tuesday. Anatomy and Physiology was fun with our lab groups presenting different models and explanations of skeletal muscle. Plasma was my next stop, always an exciting part of my week! And then off to the Wesley for worship.
Every Tuesday, the Wesley has worship with great music, fellowship, messages, and sometimes food! This week the worship group led us through some great uplifting songs! And our ministry Pastor then talked to us about honesty and doing what it is you say you are going to do. It was a great night full of friends and fellowship.
Today is Wednesday. My phone actually has decided to quit getting service every now and then. Its frustrating, but hopefully I can fix it soon. Work began early this morning at 6. It was very slow and luckily I was able to study for my second exam of the week which I feel pretty good about how I did. Always a motivator! The rest of my Wednesday was filled with more less than exciting classes and many projects in the Meat Lab.
My evening also included my first and probably last University Homecoming activity! At our basketball stadium, frats and sororities joined together to perform different dance routines to a full house. It was neat to see the different routines and especially fun to watch because the theme is western related. I am not very big into sports and am not hyped up with 'school spirit' very easily. However, tonight at the stadium, it was neat to see so many people gathered together with such spirit and excitement for their school.
It hasn't been an over exciting week in the world of Dana here in Manhattan, but its been exciting enough. Should be a great weekend as I head to Indianapolis, IN to wear my FFA official dress for the last time receiving my FFA American Degree!
Take care. Stay healthy. God Bless!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Fall Retreat
After attending many different campus ministries and checking them all out, I have found a place in the Wesley group. This is the United Methodist Campus Ministry. It is comfortably small with super nice and friendly people and being in this group always lifts me up and revitalizes me.
This past weekend I had the chance to take a trip with Wesley to Camp Chippewa two hours away for the annual Fall Retreat. It was a nice group of about eighteen, and it was a great time together. We were able to hang out and just relax, go for walks or night hikes, and discuss our Spiritual Gifts as a group.
I was able to get to know everyone so much better and make a few new friends. It was a great weekend with friends and God!
I encourage everyone to take some time off and just 'retreat' for a bit! Whether that be just going for a short walk around the block, or taking a trip to see friends and family, time away and to relax and to be with God is always healthy!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Indian Cuisine
We were able to travel to Topeka to find the Globe Indian Cuisine to taste this super food! It was a small restaurant with a cute buffet, but held lots of flavor. I was able to try the usual rice Indians eat with a yellow chicken curry, an egg dish, and Paneer. I also enjoyed Nan, a kind of bread that is flat and can be baked or fried. I'd have to say that the dish with Paneer, a South Asian type of cheese, was my favorite. However, it doesn't beat the sweet doughnut-like treat that I of course loved!
It was a beautiful Fall day today and I enjoyed it very much, the trip to the Indian restaurant was just a simple added bonus!
When you get a chance, go try some yourself, its totally worth it!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Simple Blessing
Thankfully, the wonderful people at the IT Help Desk here on campus really know what they are doing! They fixed her up real nicely and also helped me get rid of some other things that annoy me on my computer!!
I am super happy that it is going to work just fine and that I was able to get such good help!
Just a simple little blessing to brighten my day!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Who Would Have Thought?
That has all changed in the last 2 years. As my previous posts have said, I am involved in K-State Dairy Science Club, participated in Dairy Challenge and have taken Dairy classes and taken dairy related trips.
But now, I am officially a Dairy Cattle Judger! I just recently returned from Madison, WI after judging at the World Dairy Expo. My team and I have been preparing for this contest for 5 weeks, and that's about all the time I've had to learn everything about dairy cattle and giving dairy cattle reasons. All the work paid off! This past weekend, the K-State dairy judging team finished 13th out of 19 teams. Not bad for a rather inexperienced team! My teammate Cassandra and I led our team in reasons scores, but Cassandra led us all in placings!
It was a great time to be in Wisconsin as well and hanging out at the Dairy Expo talking to dairy industry professionals and watching the show of the serious Elite dairy cattle!
It was a great experience and in November, we will be heading to Louisville, KY for the National contest and then to Fort Worth, TX in January to finish off the season. Will be super fun and an amazing experience. It really is an amazing opportunity.
Hope life is bringing great surprises and wonderful promises to everyone's lives! Take Care! God Bless!!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday Nights
The past two weeks here in Manhattan, KS have been crazy! I've been running to class, work, Dairy Club meetings, and trying to fit in time for friends and homework! That's pretty typical for many people in college!
But, last night after meeting up with friends to watch the movie, "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past," (super good movie), I headed back to my apartment to chill with my roommate and friend and you'll never guessed what we ended up doing!!
Playing with Play-Doh!! :) Who new it was such an any-age activity!!

No matter what I end up doing on a Friday, Saturday, or Tuesday night, I always end up finding the most unique possible ways to enjoy my time!
Now this weekend will entail some Rugby watching, parking cars, church, and food with friends! Should be a pleasantly wonderful weekend! Hope ya'lls are just as super!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
One Week Down
I have only been back in Manhattan for 6 days and I already feel like I've been here for months! I am up by 7 or so every morning for class or work and eventually get down on campus anytime after 5. Then its off to put something together for the Dairy Science Club, run errands, or give plasma. And then the weekend arrived and I still didn't get a break! Today I went north to the Seneca, KS area to do my first full day of dairy judging was intense. I'm really not too good, but I did improve throughout the day!
So, its been a pretty busy week and it doesn't appear to be lightening up anytime soon. I have more work to do, assignments will begin to be due, more practice, more activities, and more friends to meet up with!
Although its been busy, I had time to meet up with many friends and even went out for a night of bowling tonight! Bowled with right hand first game: 68 points. Bowled with my left hand second game: 68 points...who would have thought?
Tomorrow morning I will be off to church with my roommate's and my "Kansas family" upstairs. We rent a basement apartment of a fantastic family and get to attend church with them! I've never been to their church, so it should be a new and fulfilling experience!
I get to meet a new international friend tomorrow and then off to the Wesley Block Party which will include amazing food, fellowship and fun! A start to another full week!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Another Beginning
While at home I very scarcely actually leave the vicinity of the farm. All I need is on this beautiful square mile plot of land.
I was able to get away from the farm just a bit and two weeks ago I headed east to work at the WI State Fair. Working the State Fair was the most excitement off the farm for me all summer, but it was totally the best. Before the fair I helped set up Ag Village, but once the fair began it was 11 days of 8 hours at the Cheese Grill then 8 hours working at Gate 5. It might seem like a lot, but I love it! We had a great team to work with in the cheese grill and all the same smiling faces of wonderful people at Gate 5 were back to make the fair even better than before.
It just seems so strange to me, though, how after spending 2 full weeks seeing the same faces everyday, all of a sudden it just ends and changes abruptly. I may not be heading back to enjoy working at the State Fair again, but I hope to visit all those fantastic people who always make working the fair so enjoyable!
Because of the sudden change from State Fair to back home and soon back to school, it seems that I'll be adjusting more than usual. The State Fair buzz is still upon me and the lure of Manhattan is ahead of me, but within the next 2 weeks I will again be in the swing of things back at school.
With all these super summer happenings coming to an end, I am heading down the path of my last year of college and into the horizon of an unknown future. This last year is truly another beginning that I must seek out God in order to really find where my place in this beautiful world is.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Finals are done, grades are still coming in, and I am back home in WI.
I will be working at home this summer in WI on the farm as well as at the WI State Fair!
No big adventures are lurking up ahead as far as I can see, but this summer may just turn into another exciting journey!
Stay cool but enjoy the fine weather outside! God Bless and Take Care!
Monday, May 11, 2009
I have four finals, one final project, and lots of work to do!
But, once Friday comes I will be heading back home to WI for a summer filled with cows!
Now back to studying!
Friday, April 24, 2009
A Gift From God
The sun has finally come out and along with it, absolutely beautiful weather. The past few days the sky has been blue, the sun bright and warm, the wind blowing just right, and temperatures between 82 and 92!
Spring is here and I am glad to greet it with wide, out-stretched arms!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Life Goals:
1. Visit every continent-4 down, 3 to go
2. Be an au pair
3. Own my own restaurant
4. Ride a bull or bull fight
5. Spend two years in the Peace Corps
6. Own or manage a dairy operation
7. Host a food or agriculture based show on the Travel Channel
8. Graduate some COLLEGE with a B.S. in Animal Science
9. Marry an amazing christian man and raise our children
in an agriculture environment
10. Learn to play guitar and piano
11. Become a famous singer or dancer
12. Fly a plane
13. Be a stewardess with an international airline
14. Speak German fluently
15. Change the world
16. Have a real positive influence in the agriculture industry
17. Share my passion for cows and rural America with everyone
18. Go on mission trips around the world
19. Work on a cruise ship
20. Live, Laugh, Love, and Dance like NO ONE IS WATCHING!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Believe It or Not
I think of a young girl who is trying to make it big but also small in a complex world. I also think of an interesting, fun and safe television show.
Therefore, I was super excited to go see the new HANNAH MONTANA MOVIE. It was spectacular! Such a good movie with new, fun music, great actors and actresses, and a sweet and captivating story.
Believe it or not, but I actually got way more out of this "silly" movie than I imagined. Within the first half hour I had tears in my eyes. Miley had gone back home to Tennessee. Not everyone gets to have the life of adventure and realness in the country and to really know what God has given us. Miley had gone back home, and I realized just how much I've been missing mine!
So, yes, I cried at a Hannah Montana Movie. But, there's just so much more to the movie. The songs in this movie are so real. Take time and listen to Miley's new song, The Climb. Also, Miley was doing a little soul searching in the movie, and was also realizing what she was blessed with. Her song, "Butterfly Fly Away," reminds me of my fantastic parents who always let me fly away and spread my wings- THANK YOU!!
Before you judge a movie because it has Miley Cyrus in it, is a Disney Movie, or because its biggest fans are 10 yrs. old, maybe go see it and see the FULL picture! I LOVED IT!! :)
For anyone interested in the dairy industry in ANY way, Dairy Challenge is one of the best ways to learn more about managing a successful dairy operation. With three other girls, all from small dairy farms, we learned all the ins and outs of a dairy operation and how to find the strengths and weaknesses in the reproduction, milking procedures, nutrition, facilities, financials, etc. of an operation. Through two competitions, one in Minnesota and another in New York, we learned SO much. Although we were only awarded a Silver rating at the National contest, the experience we had taking part in this amazing opportunity was reward enough.
All the dairy professionals and producers were amazing and so much work and support goes into Dairy Challenge. Its simply amazing and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity!
Another simple opportunity I am involved in that is sending me to Atlanta, GA next week is NAMA, National Agriculture Marketing Association. This is a group where we come up with a new product and put together the business plan and head to the National contest to present our idea.
These are just two of the many opportunities that I am involving myself in here at K-State. I feel so blessed to be part of such wonderful groups and to be here at this great agriculture institution. Everything that I have and do are true Blessings.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Can't Wait
Tomorrow I will be in Lancaster, WI.
In the near future I will be in Atlanta, GA.
Eventually I will fly into Munich, Germany.
And FINALLY I will arrive at my destination: Salzburg, Austria
I can not tell what kind of experiences I will encounter, but I know that with my little sister at my side, we will have an awesome journey!
Monday, February 9, 2009
One Done!
However, not everything was bright and exciting. This day, the 9th of February, began the semesters slew of exams. After sitting through 3 other classes, I finally made it to Livestock and Meat Evaluation and took my first exam of the semester. I did all right, but I am now finally in the mind set of 'school' and know I need to begin studying harder now before it gets too late and I'm too far behind.
One exam down, way too many to go.
February has started out well for me. I watched the Super Bowl, turned 21, started giving plasma, went to a new church, hung out with friends, watched some movies, ate at a Chinese buffet, attended a new bible study, and did a Ricky Martin puzzle!
I pray that everything finds everyone well. Enjoy this warmer weather and take a walk. Meet up with old friends and have a good laugh. Try something new, you might like it! Don't worry about the small things, even my big exams aren't big enough to overly stress about. And most of all, take care and God Bless!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
2009 Is Almost Gone!
But, this new year has actually started off pretty smoothly for me. I brought in the new year with my sister and brother, Casey's pizza, a really old western movie, and my big beautiful bed with lots of blankets!
The next two weeks followed with milking the cows in our new parlor, watching movies, attending church, and just hanging around at home. By the time the 14th rolled around, it was time for me to head back to Kansas.
Wednesday morning the 14th, after helping milk the cows, I loaded up my car and was ready to go. I was able to buy a 2000 Volkswagen Passat to help me better get back to Manhattan and to help me get to all my activities this semester.
My drive back to Manhattan was pretty uneventful for the first 9 hours. The roads were slightly snow covered or had some heavy winds, otherwise it was smooth sailing. However, about forty minutes from Manhattan, some unexpected lights showed up on my dash. I just kept driving and was so very blessed to make it into the city limits of Manhattan.
Unfortunately, I did not make it all the way to my house, but my amazing roomie and friend, Kristy was able to pick me up and within two days I had my car fixed and back home with me! Having my car has been so great and a blessing to have with all the activities that I am involved in this semester! I am so thankful that I was able to make it all work out!
Since my classes have begun, I have been hanging out with my roomies and friends, working at the meat lab, going to class, working on my assignments, and I just recently began working at the Call Hall Dairy Bar in the morning. I am staying busy with all of this along with Ag Council meetings, NAMA, practicing for Dairy Challenge and going to Dairy Science Club meetings.
I just spent this past weekend up in Rochester, MN at the Midwest Dairy Challenge. I was able to be teamed up with four other people from different colleges to go out and evaluate a very well managed 1500-cow dairy. It was a super learning experience! The dairy we looked at was so very well managed, it was very difficult to find any problems that needed to be addressed.
In Rochester, I also got to meet many industry professionals and learn of many available interships. It was a great weekend in which I learned a bunch along with being in the cold with snow! I miss the snow!!
Now I am back in Manhattan ready for a new week ahead. I have loads of classes this week, NAMA and Ag Council meetings and practice for the national Dairy Challenge coming up in March. Along with these activities and work I have a birthday to celebrate!!
It should be a great week and I am looking forward to it!!
I hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying this new year and all that it has brought! Continue living with an open heart and open mind and loving all that there is in this world! Have a great week and Take Care!