I did have some excitement a couple weeks ago when my older sister and friend visited. It was great to have them here and so super that they were able to come enjoy the city and see why I like it so much down here. San Antonio has to grow on a person to really appreciate it, however, once you see the inside and the sweet aspects its hard not to enjoy this city!
When my sister and friend were in town we were able to check out an old dancehall that used to welcome Willie Nelson every weekend. Called Floore Country Store, we had a chill evening with one of my local friends here and listened to a band play for the mini concert series the bar was holding.
Friday night brought some major entertainment in the form of Luke Bryan. We headed over to Cowboys dancehall for some two-stepping and then an amazing concert by Mr. Luke Bryan. Cowboys offers such an intimate place for concerts making each very different and always so much fun. I have to say that his concert that Friday night might have been best concert I've been to! This photo here doesn't give either us girls or Luke Bryan any justice but you can tell it was a fantastic evening.

After a full-on country night, we headed north on Saturday to Austin for a more cultural experience in one of my newest favorite cities, Austin. This city is similar to Madison with its 'hippie and liberal' ways. However, it is also very different and even after a couple short visits I've decided I could totally return to Texas and live in Austin.
We spent the absolutely gorgeous day with a friend I went to Salzburg College with in Austria. We checked out South Congress street with local shops of all kinds. We then met up for a bite to eat with one of my friends from K-State who recently arrived in Austin to finish his postdoc work. After a super meal with great conversation and friends, us girls headed across the street to enjoy super delicious cupcakes! We were lucky to even get this photo with whole cakes because I surely didn't want to wait another minute to down the whole thing! It was so tasty!

We then ended the evening by meeting up for drinks with one of my sister's friends from back home who was in town. How crazy is that? Six different people end up in the same city on a single day and even get to meet up!
Then it was back to San Antonio in the rain to bring in Sunday with breakfast and a relaxing day before the girls had to head back to the cold and back to reality. I was so glad they enjoyed San An and it was great to host them here and hang out!
It wasn't long after I dropped my sister and friend off at the airport that I was back picking up my roomie Brooke again there! She had returned...for a very short while. She and her good friend came back for a couple days to settle things here before packing up and heading north. It was so nice to have my roomie back, however, it was way too short of a visit. I felt as if they came and went before I even said hello! But the short while I had them was still super.
And then it was back to the in and out of everyday life. I am officially living alone now in my nice little apartment. But, I still go to work in the morning, try to work out in the afternoons, watch movies or cook with friends, and chill and relax every chance I get. I am trying not to think about the fast approaching day when I must leave this place and my job and my absolutely wonderful friends here. Just gonna take each day, hope they go a little bit slower for the next month or so, and live each day.