The Agriculture industry, especially animal production, has gotten some big hits lately from large anti-agriculture groups like PETA and HSUS.
PETA and especially HSUS have a game they like to play. However, we need to start playing their game, and beat them at it!
PETA and HSUS seek out events that have happened in animal agriculture that will help turn the public away from it. They try to find one specific circumstance, shove it onto as many people as possible, and try to portray those certain activities as if they are the norm.
When people hear, see, or experience something numerous times, they begin to believe they are true. Therefore, we need to strike back and play the game that these large organizations are severely beating us at.
Transparency is key. If we show the world what really goes on in the production of their food and clothing, people will begin to know the truth and the norm will be normal again. The world does trust farmers more than we sometimes believe. Let's strengthen that trust and keep animal agriculture strong!
We may not want to grasp this concept, but more times than not, us as producers, we ourselves, are the biggest obstacle in growing the agriculture industry into the future. Change is inevitable. Don't stand back and watch our livelihoods crushed by those who know not what is real. Stand up and take part in this game and show the world what they want and need to know!!