My time here in San Antonio is coming way too fast to an end. I can feel the heaviness setting down on me.
I still have two more weeks of work left and then about another two weeks just hanging out. However, sadness creeps in if I let my mind linger too long on the unavoidable future.
Why do I like San Antonio, TX?
-- I love my job.
-- I have amazing friends.
-- I know my way around this huge city.
-- I enjoy (on most days) fighting with the crazy traffic.
-- The weather is most always comfortable.
Don't get me wrong, I am excited to be back in the great state of WI again. I also am looking forward to being with my family and spending time with them.
My life has seen so many changes and moves that you'd think I was used to them. Nope. I probably never will be!
I am going to take each day as it comes in the next couple weeks and enjoy the remaining time I have in this place I've grown to adore. I will be super sad to leave when the time comes, but I know its just another adventure that I must embark upon.