Growing up in the country, my parents gave my siblings and I pretty much 'Free Range' on the farm. We would spend hours playing house in the old hired man's house. Or we'd walk down to the spring in the cow pasture and wade in the water, skip rocks, or have the rare mud fight. We also loved to play Pioneers in the heifer pasture by an old rotted out tree. By this tree we cooked up mud pies, planted fake gardens, and pretended that days went by in the few hours of an afternoon.
While we played, there was frequently the chance to also do some treasure digging.
Over a week ago, Julie and I were bringing the pre-fresh cows up to the shed for the night and I nearly tripped over a delightful find in the dirt. Sitting down on the ground, I picked up a couple sticks and began my quest uncovering my treasure. Finally after about ten minutes or so, Julie and I found ourselves a little glass electrical pole insulator. I find it quite fascinating! It is always amazing what one may uncover in the very earth beneath us.
Even though some may say I'm too old to play in the dirt, I enjoy it just the same! Age is only a number, right?
Happy treasure hunting and don't ever think being a Free Range Kid is a bad thing, it is NOT!