I like to think that I don't waste time very often. However, when I find good time wasters, I'm such an addict!
After reading a fellow friend's blog, I came across a new and exciting website that I have truly been enjoying this past week called Stumble Upon. I have decided it is my new favorite method of wasting time and energy on the Internet. This website lets you 'Stumble' onto new and different sites with articles, games, music players, photos, or funny stories that all cater to your individual interests.
As I've eaten up my day on this site I have discovered three to four new Internet radio websites that have new and exciting ways to choose the music you want to hear. I have also stumbled upon beautiful photos of the Milky Way and Northern Lights. Some other favorites include a funny video with a young baby elephant bathing in its own tub or the hilarious phone conversation a man put an AT&T telemarketer through!
I know there are probably more productive ways to spend my days; however, sometimes I like to take a break from being productive. Getting into a superb book is another addiction that I can only break once I finish the book. Also, recently, Julie and I have gotten back into watching Gilmore Girls. Any minute spent watching Lorelai and Rory is a precious one!
I am not advocating that everyone starts wasting away their day, but to do it with style! You can grow smarter by stumbling, more intellectual by reading, and happier by grabbing a cup of coffee at Luke's Diner in Stars Hollow. Happy Day!