Growing up in the Midwest, at school we learn all about the history of our country. We have drilled into our minds the year that Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Early in grade school we organize our own Thanksgivings just like the pilgrims and eat dark brown rice with shells. We study the Civil War and learn the names of the famous generals. We are told about the Revolutionary War and other details are filled in along the way.
Over the years I have come to appreciate all the minor events and happenings that make up the big-picture history of a city, state or country. The more intricate the stories of history, the more exciting they are to me! What really makes history exciting is to be able to feel as though you are a part of it. To stand somewhere that is recognized by millions of people as an important location. To hear about an event and see all around where it took place.
Boston is one of those cities that is the location of so many events that has directed our country's path to where it is today.
Present day Boston is just as lively as I believe it was centuries ago. Ships have brought hundreds of people from Europe and abroad to this city, traders used the Boston Harbor Islands to carry out business, and politicians were ever so abundant to steer our country to Independence. Today there are markets, vendors, and street performers that line the streets that are flooded with people from near and afar.
Walking through the streets of this historic city this morning, I enjoyed viewing the colorful fruits and vegetables of the Haymarket, or weaving in and out of the crowds on my way through North Quincy Market, and finding the well known Freedom Trail that leads to over sixteen significant buildings and sites of Boston's history.
Although my city adventuring today did not include visiting all the major sites, I am so excited to learn more of with how our country went from several small colonies to one huge united nation.
Boston is a beautiful city. It's doors are open at the ocean with welcoming arms at the threshold. There are a multitude of walking and bike paths. The beaches are clean and whenever the sun is shining, there are loads of people enjoying a swim, lying on the beach, or playing a game of sand volleyball. And wherever you are in the city you will notice the diversity of people who call this place home.
It was just so wondrous to head out on my bicycle this morning with my amazing tour guide, Brooke, and cycle around the city. We were also able to drop our bikes off and venture on foot. On or off the bike, Boston is a superb city. I am thoroughly looking forward to my upcoming city adventures! Make sure you come along for the ride!