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Thursday, June 14, 2012


There are so many different foods or smells that immediately make spring and summer feel more real.  Strawberries are no different.

Last week, we were able to go do some berry picking ourselves to bring in the summer months! Off to Vesperman Farms we went.  There was where we were able to get our very fresh red berries.

It was an absolutely beautiful day. The sun was shining, and with a nice breeze our mid-morning rendezvous was cool and ever so pleasant. We didn't really have an amount in mind, and it showed when we were all finished picking and realized we'd gathered near 40 lbs!!  Ten pounds each!

 Such a mighty good looking working bunch!!
And, of course, check out them strawberries! Yum!

So, we headed home with 39 lbs of very fresh, very ripe strawberries.  What to do next?  Make jam, what else!!  There is nothing better after the first snow to open up a fresh jar of strawberry jam and have a delicious and most tasty peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich (on Mom's fresh bread, of course)!

 Cut berries.
 Wash berries.
 Process berries.
 Cook berries.
 Pour berry jam.
 Mmm...Strawberry jam!  Oh, and some Strawberry-Blueberry Jam, too!

  And a very tired dog at the end of the day!  She worked so hard!

A beautiful day filled with bright berries and tasty treats!  Along with jam, we all enjoyed some delicious Strawberry Creme Pie and Strawberry Cobbler.  We are all a little full of them summer tastes now, but not for long and we'll be craving them again!