Therefore, I hope for those who won't be able to come across the ocean to Africa to check out things here, I can at least share a few more photos of the last month in my life here in Zambia. Its been busy to say the least and I hope you all enjoy!
Jaylene! Gotta start with this little girl always! She grows daily and is quite the rascal. But she is a good girl!
I made cheese! Another volunteer and I got some fresh milk, added some lemon juice and Ta-dah! we had cheese!
Kitchen Party! Friends of mine like to get together to cook and share a meal every so often in the resident area of the Mission Hospital.
Kapenta! Small dried fish that make a great relish with nshima. I cooked it all by myself! Surprise, surprise! But, I like it!
Let's go milk 150 hand!
Still love me some baby calves!
Seed maize! What better way than to spend my birthday weekend visiting farmers in my area and seeing beautiful fields and animals?!
Just a regular sunset from my doorstep.
I have a driveway! And they slashed my grass! Its amazing what can get done when you just ask! Thank you to my community!
For four days I hosted three new PCTs at my site. Here are the two wonderful ladies with a community member who was showing us a local dam.
Like our new citenges? We do, too! We were given these as gifts and just had to model them off for the camera! I think we look good!
Oh, yeah! I look good in this hat. I know! And that kitten was totally loving its first-class, waterproof ride!
Other volunteer and his fire! He fired up my oven at the site visit and we cooked pizza.
Yep, just made it across the raging stream! Almost knee deep water running over the road at a volunteer's site. I'd like to say it was eventful, but really it was just puddle jumping.
Jaylene thought she needed to climp OVER the fence instead of letting us take down the gate. She is just so cute though. But super silly, too!
Kenny and I were able to spend my birthday together! It was such a super weekend!
And, no my life isn't quite as chill and relaxing as this little girl's. She has it so rough!
Its been a great few weeks and I've stayed busy here, there and everywhere! I have hosted people, visited others, and am helping my community start up a new market place in the village! Hope to keep busy and update y'all again in the future!