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Saturday, May 18, 2013

What's Up!

Vaccinating cattle, meetings, visiting people, murder mystery parties, and playing with my dog is how I've been spending my time here in Zambia.  I try to keep myself busy and sane, learn a little along the way and keep taking one day at a time!
 All dressed up for our Murder Mystery party!  A group of volunteers finished their service, so we were able to say good-bye with a little fun!
 Out in the hills keeping the cattle healthy!  I played assistant to the vet as we were out and about vaccinating in the area villages!  We vaccinated over 1,000 head of cattle for Black Leg and 20-30 dogs for rabies.
 Spicing up my outdoor kitchen!  Just added a few wild flowers to keep things classy. 
 Just enjoying a quite evening of no electricity in town!  Roasted maize, singing, and good company!  I visit this Catholic Girls home and their volunteers when I get the chance. 
Finally!  My neighbor and his wife came over to finish putting cement in my outdoor kitchen!  After 5 months, it was finally done.  I guess it's better late then never!  And it does look nice, too!
 Jaylene.  This girl is growing every single day!  She had quite the time down at the dam and is as loving and sweet as ever.  She likes to visit our neighbors throughout the day, but luckily makes it home to sleep outside my door at night!
Here I have just finished washing my little girl, Jaylene!  Never before have I given a dog a bath until I came to Zambia.  It gets harder and more tricky now that she gets bigger and bigger.  I was quite wet and dirty after making her all shiny and clean!

The next few months will be filled again with meetings and fun!  I hope to keep encouraging my community towards building and finishing their market and starting to dip their animals.  I will continue helping at the local clinic weighing babies and assisting the nurses.  Maybe I'll learn how to build an outdoor oven with bottles, sand, and clay.  And I'll keep working on keeping my garden growing and hopefully producing lettuce, cilantro, garlic, tomatoes, and others!  

Everyone take care and feel free to shoot me an email, message, or the like!  Cheers!