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Monday, March 26, 2012

Up Then Down

That is exactly what the temperatures are doing here lately, going up then coming down.  We have had weather the last week or so that has been comparable to what we may encounter at the end of May or early June, not March! 

Temperatures have been reaching record highs, even some above 80 degrees!  Then, all of a sudden, last night Mother Nature decided to revert back to 'normal temperatures' for today.  We had a low of about 36 degrees and today will not reach the upper 40s. 

The nice weather has been nice, however, it surely can make things not so nice if it doesn't stay that way.  All of the flowers and tree buds are making their debut and turning the landscape a beautiful bright green.  Also, not only are crops making headway in growth, but we have swarms of flies and insects to deal with already.  It'll be a sad day if we do have a strong late freeze and all this lush greenery is lost. 

So, I wish everyone to enjoy the warmth, no matter how odd or abnormal it is! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In 4 Months

That's right!!  In four months, I will be ready to embark on the biggest journey thus far of my life .  I hopefully will be packed with all the amenities that I shall need for 27 months away from my home country, the United States of America. 

If you haven't guess it yet, at the end of July, I will be meeting up with other future Peace Corps Volunteers to have a pre-departure orientation here in the States, and then take off to a far away country to begin training to become a Peace Corps Volunteer.

Where will I be going?  I will be spending my two years of Peace Corps service in a rural area of Zambia, a country in Sub-Saharan Africa.  I am told by many RPCVs (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers) as well as current volunteers that Zambia is a beautiful country with amazingly friendly and hospitable people.

What will I be doing? I have been invited to be a volunteer as part of the Rural Aquaculture Promotion and be a Fish Culture Extension Agent.  The pre-service training that I will receive prior to being sworn in as an official Peace Corps volunteer will prepare me to be able to teach local farmers how to teach themselves how to fish farm and improve the management and profitability of the enterprises.

I am thoroughly excited about this upcoming experience that I will begin in only a few short months.  Although I am told not to worry about what to pack just yet, I find myself still mulling it over daily.  Despite the anticipation I feel, I am at the same time near scared to death, or at least pretty nervous.  Its a whirlwind of emotions that I'm sure will not even begin to subside once I board that plane-destination Africa!