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Friday, September 2, 2011

Thompson Island

There are so many different jobs and opportunities that are available here in the U.S.  Most of my background and experience is in the agriculture field and working with animals.  However, I have found many other jobs not directly in Ag and have come to love them as well.

My experience here in Boston will not be any different than my other crazy adventures.  It'll be new, exciting, and completely off-the-wall! 

One of closest friends has been the doorway to moving out to Boston for a few months.  It is her experience with Outward Bound that has lead me to also seek a position on Thompson Island.  For the next two months I will be working with youth of all ages helping them build leadership skills, trust among a team, and an appreciation for the environment.  TIOB will be my place of new, exciting and challenging work until the end of October! 

I am looking forward to this new opportunity to work in an area not completely parallel will my past experiences.  4-H camp and outdoor activities have always been fun for me, but this will be even more adventurous.  And guess what?  I'll be living on an Island!  How neat is that?