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Saturday, June 2, 2012

New Life

On a dairy farm, it is common to see the miracle of life happen every single day.  No matter how many times I see a cow birth her calf, it is always such a special event. 

Twins are no different!!  It is amazing to have a cow have one baby, but to give birth to two new lives is even more incredible.  This year on our farm we have had so many sets of twins, more than I think we've ever had in a few short months. 

One cow in particular, Lu, had a fine set of twins, one boy and one girl.  I knew Lu was a super cow even before I knew what a good cow should look or be like.  Miss Lu is now ten years old, still looks and milks like she's a young five year old, and was able to birth twins like an old natural.  She's so great! 

Her twins calves are no different.  Born a couple months ago, they were so excited about their new surroundings after being born, and were up and running around in no time.  They were so darn cute too when first born!!  I just couldn't let them grow up any further without capturing them at their finest!!  New babies are always the finest!! 

 Aren't they just the cutest???
I don't know anything more remarkable or amazing than new life!!  It is a miracle each and every time!