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Saturday, April 11, 2009


One of the most amazing opportunities in life is reconnecting with friends and family. Whether that means going down the road to visit a neighbor and saying Hi, driving across a couple state lines to hug a sister, brother or uncle, or flying across oceans to meet up with amazing friends in foreign countries, taking that chance is always well worth whatever it takes!!

I was able to hop back on a plane with my little sister, Julie, and revisit Salzburg, Austria over spring break March 14-21st. After living eight months in this wonderful place, Salzburg will always have a huge place in my heart and will always be a favorite place to visit.

Julie and SALBURG:
After being delayed a day in Milwaukee, Julie and I finally made it to the magical city of Salzburg and was welcomed by my most wonderful friend, Miriam. It felt so great and natural to be back and to hear German being spoken everywhere. It was so easy to fall back into the swing of Austrian things.
Me, Julie, Miriam and SALBURG:

The few days spent in Salzburg was filled with revisiting my favorite places including Mirabell Gardens, Altstadt, and Hellbrunn. Also, Julie and I filled up with some other favorites: Männer, Schokoladig Nugats, Nimm2 soft candies, and Milka Schokolade...Tasty sweeet treats! Miriam was an amazing host, as always, and treated us to fresh homemade bread, super Gouda cheese, cheese fondue, caramel fondue, and various other specialties!

Schloss Leopoldskron (Sound of Music House + Lake), Julie, and Me:
We were also able to see Cameron, another friend originally from Kansas City, perform in the production of an Opera. It was a super performance! Veronika invited us to her place for Topfen Knödel, Lisa joined us for the fun filled night of caramel fondue, and Joo Hyeon also stopped by a few times to hang out. It was so amazing to just sit around and hang out with everyone!!

To Veronika's house we go:
Fred! Are you going to make it?Fred the Topfen Knödel is ALIVE!!
I made sure our trip was also a learning experience! I was able to show Julie all around the historic city and share my history facts as well and visit all the Sound of Music sites. I also tried to teach Julie some German...not really sure how that went! We stopped by Salzburg College and were able to catch up with Brigitte and Gretel and also stop by Mike and Liz Spangler's (Salzburg International Christian Church Pastor and wife) place for a visit. Connecting with everyone was so priceless and wonderful.

All the wonderful friends at Bible Study:
Julie and I were able to spend quite a bit of time hanging out with my host family and visiting with them. I missed them so much and it was so crazy how natural it felt to be back in their home. It literally did not feel like 10 months since I had lived in their home! It was just so great to see them and catch up!! Everyone is doing quite well, including the new little one, Beatrix, who is now 10 months old!! Franz is still as funny and silly as ever and Sabine is just so wonderful!! Stefan, Lissi and Felix are also doing well and were still as comfortable with me as when I left! They are such a great family!

Joo Hyeon, Cameron, Me and Miriam-Just being us!
Before we knew it, Julie and I were back in the Munich airport ready to board our plane back to the U.S. Although it was a quick and short trip, it was so well worth everything to get to spend the time we did have in an amazing city I hold so dearly and reconnect with friends that will never be forgotten!